Learned how to write poetry
Wrote a poem to impress a girl and discovered he was good at it.
Performed publicly at the Ying Yang in Atlanta Ga.
Introduced to Under One Roof and the Killeen Poetry Scene by Mr. Nice
Entered his first poetry slam and won.
Starts Slamming regularly at Austin Poetry Slam
Wins the Austin City Grand Slam and makes the Austin Slam Team
Kicks off Killeen Poetry Slam with John Crow via The Poet’s Ball
Returns as the Austin Slam Champion and a member of the team
Released his first CD titled “The Appetizer”
Slam Champion Austin International Poetry Festival
Killeen Poetry Slam makes its debut coached by Christopher Michael at the National Poetry Slam missing national champions by 0.4 points bested by Team Charlotte (Dag Nabbit!!)
Comes in 2nd in the last National Individual Slam after a tie breaker (Christopher may or may not still be bitter about that one)
Killeen Slam Champion
Killeen Slam Team and coach
Killeen Slam Team and coach
Rock The Republic Slam Champion
Coaches Texas Youth Word Collectives Under 21 Slam
Arkansas Grand Slam Champion
Rock The Republic Slam Champion
Releases 2nd CD titled “Poet For Hire”
Killeen Slam Team
After the tragic loss of Sheila Siobhan Christopher picks up the leadership mantle of The Austin Youth Slam, now called “They Speak” www.theyspeakaustin.org
Returns to Austin Poetry Slam as coach, regular host and member of the board.
They Speak Youth Slam Coach
Attempts to take a break from poetry. FAILS!
Austin Slam Team
Kicks off his Think, Laugh, Cry Tour
Elected to the Executive Council of Poetry Slam Inc.
Finally writes a damn book!
Maybe a new CD too.
Winner 1st Texas Slam Master’s Slam
Austin Neo soul slam team
Southern Fried SLam finalist (tied for 3rd) #sofried2015
Individual World Poetry slam finalist (tied for 3rd)
Austin frontera Fest "Best of fest"
southern fried slam finalist
AUstin mayor adler declares june 23rd "Christopher michael Day'
wins the slammaster slam at the 2016 national poetry slam (nps)
leads austin neosoul to 4th in the nation at nps
individual world poetry slam haiku death match champion
individual world poetry slam finalist
nominated Texas State Artist –Poet Laureate